The ACWR is happy to announce the New Voices Community Arts Residency!
Holding two artists in the second semester of 2022, the residency allows time to conduct research and to connect with the local community to develop a project that responds directly to the specificity of Walkerville and the adjacent neighbourhoods, Wyandotte Town Centre and Ford City.
Each artist in residence will be given space at ACWR, access to internet and printing facilities, as well as the possibility to make use of the New Voices billboard.
The goal of the residency is to combine the unique potential of community-oriented art practices for uncovering local narratives and igniting conversations, with the advantageous location of ACWR and the high visibility of the New Voices billboard.
Call for Applications (closed)
Learn more about the selected artists:
Hiba Abdallah – Jun 15th – Sep 14th
Alejandro Franco – Sep. 1st to Nov. 30th
Program Coordinator: Ostoro Petahtegoose
Ostoro Petahtegoose is a biracial Nishinaabe of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek with European descent, born and raised as a guest in the traditional territories of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, comprised of the Anishinaabe; the Odawa; and the Potawatomie, and of the Huron/Wendat people, also known as one of it’s many place names in one language, Waawiiye’adinong (the place where the river bends – Windsor, Ontario.)
Ostoro is a 2spirit, queer, trans, nonbinary writer, Goldsmith, artist and writer who goes by “they/them” pronouns. Ostoro is attending the University of Windsor to finish their English and Creative Writing and Visual Arts BA and was the BIPOC Artist in Residence at Artcite in August of 2020. In June 2021 Ostoro has been given a grant through the Arts Culture and Heritage Fund to work on a research project on the Indigenous history of Windsor/Essex county to use in an anthology of short ghost stories. In Ostoro’s personal and professional life they continue to reach for meaningful ways to connect back to their Indigenous community through the work of building relations while learning their cultural language Nishnaabemwin, all while being obsessed with themes of hauntings, ghosts and land.
Photo by Shayenna Nolan.
New Voices Community Arts Residency Press Release
The Arts Council Windsor & Region (ACWR) is pleased to announce that our project, the creation of the New Voices Community Arts Residency, was selected for the My Main Street Community Activator program and has received $30,632 to launch the project this summer.
Through the Government of Canada’s My Main Street Community Activator, delivered by the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI), ACWR will enjoy a more vibrant neighbourhood setting that will draw visitors and increase foot traffic to shops, restaurants and exciting new public spaces. The Arts Council Windsor & Region is supported by My Main Street—a two-year, $23.25-million investment by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), delivered by CUI and the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO).
The New Voices Community Arts Residency will invite two artists from equity seeking populations to conduct a three-month community-oriented residency at ACWR located in the Walkerville neighborhood. The residency will allow time to conduct research and to connect with the local community to develop a project that responds directly to the specificity of Walkerville and the adjacent neighbourhoods, Wyandotte Town Centre and Ford City.
Each artist in residence will be given space at ACWR, access to internet and printing facilities, as well as the possibility to make use of the New Voices billboard. The goal of the residency is to combine the unique potential of community-oriented art practices for uncovering local narratives and igniting conversations, with the advantageous location of ACWR and the high visibility of the New Voices billboard.
“Our government is committed to helping communities bring their main streets back to life. My Main Street is providing vital support to projects that will reanimate neighbourhoods through installations, events and activities that are inclusive, innovative and engaging to create jobs and drive economic growth for local economies.” —The Honourable Helena Jaczek, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario)
“At ACWR, we are very excited with the opportunity to launch the New Voices Community Arts Residency. At this point we are getting ready to host the first artist, Hibba Abdallah, and we are looking forward to supporting her research and practice while being here with us.” —Alejandro Tamayo, Executive Director, ACWR
“It’s so meaningful to be chosen as the inaugural artist-in-residence. Windsor is where I grew up, and ultimately, where I developed my sensibility as an artist. Coming back years later with the opportunity to reconnect with the community is very exciting.” —Hiba Abdallah, Artist in Residence, ACWR
The Canadian Urban Institute is the national platform that houses the best in Canadian city building — where policymakers, urban professionals, civic and business leaders, community activists and academics can learn, share and collaborate with one another from coast to coast to coast. Through research, engagement and storytelling, our mission is to ensure Canada builds vibrant, equitable, liveable and resilient cities. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
The Arts Council Windsor & Region (ACWR) is a non-profit organization that serves all disciplines of individual artists, arts organizations and non-arts partners in promoting, developing and realizing creative activity. Our energies are focused on providing our community with valuable services like Artspeak Gallery, Art.Work workshops, individual grant consultation, an in-office resource library and our website, which hosts resources, a community arts calendar and the weekly Arts Notes newsletter.
For more than 12 years, the Government of Canada, through FedDev Ontario, has worked to advance and diversify the southern Ontario economy through funding opportunities and business services that support innovation, job creation and growth in Canada’s most populous region. The Agency has delivered impressive results, which can be seen in southern Ontario businesses that are creating innovative technologies, improving productivity, growing their revenues, creating jobs, and in the economic advancement of communities across the region. Learn more about the impacts the Agency is having in southern Ontario by exploring our pivotal projects, our Southern Ontario Spotlight, and FedDev Ontario’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Media Contacts
Alejandro Tamayo
Executive Director,
Arts Council Windsor & Region: info@acwr.netNick Hanson
Communications Lead,
Canadian Urban Institute: media@mymainstreet.caMonica Granados
Press Secretary,
Office of the Hon. Helena Jaczek Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario: monica.granados@feddevontario.gc.ca