
Funding and Professional Resources
Included below are different funding channels and professional development resources that may assist you in your creative practice....

Included below are different funding channels and professional development resources that may assist you in your creative practice.

Funding Resources

  • Regional

    Arts Council Windsor & Region’s In-Office Resource Library

    ACWR’s Resource Library offers free handouts to the community at large & larger publications available for sign-out for members, with the goal of aiding in the grant-writing process for artists, encouraging professional development in our local artistic community and promoting local community & socially-engaged artists and art projects. Click HERE to peruse our inventory of books and publications. 

    Arts & Culture Living in Windsor Survey 2023

    City of Windsor Arts, Culture and Heritage Fund

    The City of Windsor’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Fund (ACHF) invests in the soul of our City by providing financial assistance to locally-developed arts, culture and heritage projects that provide exciting, surprising and meaningful opportunities to strengthen our creative community. This funding initiative supports the City of Windsor’s priority to build a strong and stable creative community that contributes to a prosperous creative economy and to making Windsor an amazing place to live.

    Windsor Endowment for the Arts

    The Windsor Endowment for the Arts (WEA) is a registered charitable organization founded to provide Windsor-Essex artists and arts organizations with the financial support needed to develop a distinctive voice on the local, national and international stage. This voice is grounded in our cultural diversity and our region’s rich historical background.

    Windsor Essex Community Foundation

    The Windsor-Essex Community Foundation is building a better Windsor-Essex, now and for generations to come, by attracting and managing legacy funds, addressing community needs through grant making, and bringing community partners together. We are leaders in community development who help to identify and fill needs by supporting not-for-profit organizations with funding and expertise.

    ACWR’s Grant Writing & Info Session 


  • Provincial

    Craft Ontario
    Citizens of Craft is a national project, led by Craft Ontario, in participation with the provincial and territorial craft councils of Canada, as well as the Canadian Crafts Federation. The goals of this project are to clarify and deepen the public’s understanding of craft and make craft more accessible to Canadians.  Citizens of Craft is a movement. A movement of makers, of appreciators, of shoppers, of admirers – of anyone whose values match our values of heritage, innovation, the leading edge, traditional, authentic, and entrepreneurial.

    Ontario Arts Foundation
    A vehicle for private giving to the arts through endowments and awards

    Ontario Arts Council 
    OAC offers more than 50 funding programs for artists and arts organizations based in Ontario, with funds from the Ontario government. Grants provide assistance for specific activities and for the ongoing operating expenses of an organization; we also provide support for a period of time. OAC grants are open to professional artists, groups or collectives and arts organizations based in Ontario.

    Ontario Trillium Foundation
    The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) distributes its funding to charities and not-for-profits through three granting programs: Community and Province-Wide programs and the Future Fund. Within those programs, funding is allocated in four sectors: Arts and Culture, Environment, Sports and Recreation, and Human and Social Services.

    Ontario Tourism Innovation Lab

    The SPARK program, through OTIL, is a region-wide call for applications from individuals, small businesses, and not-for-profits to pitch tourism ideas and have a chance at receiving mentorship and funding to bring their idea to fruition. This is an opportunity for creatives and business owners to try and take their passion to the next level and help to invigorate their regions as a hub for tourism in Canada.

    Toronto Arts Foundation – Neighbourhood Arts Network’s Money Section

    The Neighbourhood Arts Network is a strategic initiative of the Toronto Arts Foundation. They offer accessible arts programming, awards, and exciting partnership opportunities to Toronto-based artists, arts educators and arts organizations. Through the Neighbourhood Arts Network Learning Room and ‘Money’ Section, the Toronto Arts Foundation aims to link artists directly to funding opportunities that might benefit them and their work. Although listings are directed to Toronto-based arts workers and organizations, there are many opportunities listed that apply to Ontario-based workers.

  • Artist Grants (Free directory prepared by Ontario Business Grants. Updated quarterly)

  • National

    Canada Council for the Arts
    The Canada Council provides grants to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations. Applications welcome from diverse Aboriginal, cultural and regional communities, including people with disabilities

    Canadian Heritage
    Offer a broad range of grants and services to Canadian arts and culture organizations that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada’s civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians

    Canadian Writers Foundation
    The foundation provides financial assistance to Canadian writers who are in financial distress.

    Cogeco Fund
    The COGECO Program Development Fund encourages the development and the production of new Canadian drama by Canadian writers to be produced by independent Canadian producers, in English or French, or (preferably) in both languages


    The Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent on Recordings provides artists with a list of funding opportunities and other resources to help build careers within Canada.

    Metcalf Foundation 
    The goal of the George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation is to enhance the effectiveness of people and organizations working together to help Canadians imagine and build a just, healthy, and creative society.

    SOCAN-Music Funding Organizations
    SOCAN (the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) is a not-for-profit organization that represents the Canadian performing rights of millions of Canadian and international music creators and publishers. SOCAN is proud to play a leading role in supporting the long-term success of its more than 130,000 Canadian members, as well as the Canadian music industry.

    The Actors’ Fund of Canada
    The Actors’ Fund of Canada provides encouragement and short-term financial aid to help entertainment industry workers maintain their health, housing and ability to work after an illness, injury or sudden unemployment.

    The NBC Universal Canada TV series Core Programs
    The NBCUniversal Canada TV Series Exchange supports NBCUniversal Canada’s desire to develop talent and content here in Canada. This initiative is designed to introduce NBCUniversal Creative Executives to top Canadian writers and creators with series concepts destined for US/Canadian consideration.

    Writers Union of Canada
    The Writers’ Union of Canada is the national organization of professional writers of books. Now 1,900 members strong, the Union was founded 40 years ago to work with governments, publishers, booksellers, and readers to improve the conditions of Canadian writers. Resources area. Online open forum, Guide to getting published. List of resource publications. LIterary award


Not sure where to apply, or need a bit of advice on the application you’ve started? Book a consultation with us!


Additional Resources

  • Professional Development

    ArtsBuild Ontario 
    ArtsBuild Ontario is the only organization in Ontario dedicated to realizing long-term solutions for building, managing and financing the sustainable arts facilities needed in Ontario communities.

    Business for the Arts
    Business for the Arts aims to strengthen arts and culture in Canada by connecting arts organizations to business patrons and volunteers through our artsScene and boardLink programs; by stimulating investment in the arts through matching incentives and sponsorship training for arts organization with artsVest; by communicating the value of investing in the arts through advocacy and research via our Roundtables and Surveys; and by providing a platform for arts organizations to celebrate their outstanding business partners in the arts through our National Awards Gala and media partnerships.

    Canadian Crafts Federation
    The Canadian Crafts Federation / Fédération Canadienne des Métiers d’Art is the national arts service organization that represents provincial and territorial craft councils and the Canadian craft sector. It advances and promotes the vitality and excellence of Canadian craft nationally and internationally to the benefit of Canadian craftspeople and the community at large.

    Craft Ontario
    Formerly the Ontario Crafts Council, Craft Ontario is a member-based, not-for-profit service organization that works to have craft recognized as a valuable part of life. We promote and celebrate professional craft by providing member opportunities, and advocate for craft practice by educating and empowering diverse audiences.

    Cultural Human Resources Council
    The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) strives to be at the center of vision and forward-thinking in the area of cultural human resources development. CHRC brings together representatives of arts disciplines and cultural industries in the cultural sector to address the training and career development needs of employers and cultural workers including artists, technical staff, managers and all others engaged professionally in the sector.

    Dance Ontario
    This organization’s website provides the most comprehensive and searchable list of schools in Canada as well as information about dance classes for independent professional dancers.

    Dancer Transition Resource Centre
    Founded in 1985, the Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) is a national, charitable organization dedicated to helping dancers make necessary transitions into, within, and from professional performing careers. We also operate as a resource center for the dance community and general public and support activities that improve the socio-economic conditions of artists across the country.   DTRC Youtube Channel

    Dance Umbrella Ontario
    Dance Umbrella Ontario is a not-for-profit provider of management services to Ontario’s dance enterprises. DUO strengthens the dance sector through pro-active engagement in strategic and progressive initiatives. The DUO website has ‘The Business of Dance’ section which includes resources such as; budget templates, social media plans, tips on grant and resume writing and other information for independent dancers, choreographers and companies.

    Equity Showcase Theatre
    Equity Showcase Theatre exists to provide a range of training, professional development and performance opportunities to professional actors, and directors. Equity Showcase Theatre encourages the pursuit of discovery and mastery of the dramatic art form in order to honour the abundant talents of our artists, to support life-long careers, and to make a distinctive contribution to the body of dramatic arts in Canada.

    Hot Docs
    Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival is North America’s largest documentary festival, conference, and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of more than 180 cutting-edge documentaries from Canada and around the globe. Through its industry programs, Hot Docs also provides a full range of professional development, market and networking opportunities for documentary professionals.

    Ontario Museums Association
    The Ontario Museum Association is the leading cultural organization ensuring a relevant and sustainable museum sector in the province for the benefit of Ontario residents and our global community.

    Playwrights Guild of Canada
    Playwrights Guild of Canada is a registered national arts service association mandated to advance the creative rights and interests of professional Canadian playwrights, promote Canadian plays nationally and internationally, and foster an active, evolving community of writers for the stage. Guild of Canada


    SPARC is a network whose purpose is to ignite and help sustain performing arts communities in rural and remote Ontario. In order for the performing arts scene to thrive, we believe there need to be people, services and systems that allow us to communicate with each other effectively. The SPARC network has been designed so that it is owned, developed and controlled by you, the individuals, groups, and organizations that make the performing arts happen in rural and remote areas.  Your networking needs, development goals, and artistic interests will inform the growth and evolution of SPARC over the next few years.

    Woman in Film and Television Toronto
    Founded in 1984, WIFT-T is a member-based organization of women and men working in screen-based media that supports the development and advancement of women in the industry.

    Work In Culture
    At WorkInCulture we Connect, Create, and Curate training and tools that help arts and culture professionals develop the business skills to match their creative talents.


Explore AI resources and advocacy groups for creatives


    BIPOC Film Resources

    Updated Listings for film supplies, resources, workshops, education and grant opportunities to aid BIPOC Film Artists in pursuing their practice.

    Presented by Arts Council Windsor & Region in Partnership with Nola Cooks


    LIFT – Liason of Independent Filmmakers (Toronto, ON Canada) – Well rounded organization that offers resources, equipment, industry connections, education and project overviews.
    Caffenol (Online) – Alternative approaches to film development. Using other materials as opposed to harsh chemicals.

    V Tape (Online) – Distribution organization that acts as a library source for video and new media.

    Agnés Films – (East Lansing, MI, USA) – Create video content that explores women’s experiences behind the camera and engages non-filmmakers in the issue of supporting women’s films and videos.

    Arts & Entertainment Plan (Canada Wide) – Insurance plans for all types of artists and creatives.

    Revolver Films (Toronto, ON Canada) – Film Production company with a wide variety of portfolios and partners in television, film, and advertisement.

    Charles Street Video (Toronto, ON Canada) – Gear rental, community projects, residencies, workshops, creative development, etc. Well rounded organization that focuses on all aspects of the digital and film industry.

    Internet Archive (Online) – Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

    Fem Film List (Toronto, ON Canada) – Searchable, shareable database of women + gender non-conforming folk who work behind the scenes in the Toronto film industry.

    Film in Colour  (Online) – Hub to support and recognize Canadian POC Filmmakers. This resource includes updated Open Calls.

    Indigenous Screen Office (Toronto, ON Canada) – Events, Festivals, Funding, and Creative Opportunities listings for screen industry Indigenous creatives.

    Arts Council Windsor & Region (Windsor, ON Canada) – Non-profit organization that serves all disciplines of individual artists, arts organizations and non-arts partners in promoting, developing and realizing creative activity.

    CineFAM (Toronto, ON Canada) – Annual Film festival to support the creative initiatives of Women of Colour. Training & and other resources available.

    Film & Entertainment Industries, Economic Development & Culture (Toronto, ON Canada) – Online resource and instruction on how to pursue finding filming locations, gathering permits, and producing films within city regulations in Toronto, ON.

    HireBIPOC (Canada Wide) – A roster of BIPOC creatives in Canadian tv, film and media. They do not just hire film makers, but a variety of roles that are apart of the film making process

    SAW VIDEO (Ottawa, ON Canada) – Grants/ Volunteers/ Equipment rentals– all in support of diversity in film


    Hamilton Community Darkroom Project (Hamilton, ON Canada) – Provide facilities, equipment and workshops to visual artists in Hamilton and the surrounding communities who are working with analog filmmaking and photography.

    New Wave Pool (Online) – Specialized in selling vintage cameras and AV equipment

    Creative Post (Online) – Post production editing services for hire, editing suites for rent.

    BESPOKE Audio/Visual (Toronto, ON Canada) – Audio and visual services available for hire to prepare for events, gatherings, and/or sets.

    Niagara Custom Lab (Toronto, ON Canada) – full service motion picture film laboratory.

    Habibi Film Rentals (Toronto, ON Canada) -Professional level motion pictures cameras, lenses, lighting and support.

    Joe Sutherland Rentals (Toronto, ON Canada) -Rental for video production, HD and 4K Cameras, etc.

    Keslow Camera (Toronto, ON Canada) – Rental of Camera equipment, techs for hire, repairs, etc.

    Pie in the Sky Studios (Toronto, ON Canada) – Equipment, Studio, and Personnel available for rent for shoots and film productions.

    Cadrage Director’s Viewfinder (Phone App) – Cadrage allows you to line up your shots with precise framing previews of any professional camera/lens combination and make sure everybody is on the same page during preproduction and on set.

    Artemis Pro (Phone App) – Digital viewfinder for smartphones

    Make-up Artist Directory (Online) – Online resource to look up makeup artists all over Ontario and Canada

    Frame Discreet (Toronto, ON Canada) – Restoration, Colour correction, and film scans.

    VFX Resource (Online) – Production Apps for filmmakers.

    Framio (Online) – Cloud based collaborative editing platform

    Miro (Online) – Online collaborative editing and workspace

    Mural (Online) – Online collaborative editing and workspace

    Notepad + Pro (App) – Notetaking and planning app, shareable, digital notepad.

    Production Pro (Online) – Digital Rehearsal Platform

    Teradek (Online/App) – Stream video in real time from a camera or video source and watch it on your iOS device.


    Black Women Film! (Toronto, ON Canada) – Master classes and leadership programs for Black female identified Filmmakers and Creatives.

    BIPOC TV & Film (Toronto, ON Canada) – Grassroots organization/collective that offers networking opportunities, panel discussions, workshops. and secure employment for BIPOC talent in the television and film industry.

    The D-Word (Online/Worldwide) – Online community for documentary filmmakers.

    Fem Script Lab (Toronto, ON Canada) – Skillshare/ critique writing lab for women and non-binary screenwriters.

    Intimacy Coordinators Canada (Toronto, ON Canada) – Facilitate communication between directors and their performers boundaries for sexual performance in television and screen productions.

    WIFT (Toronto, ON Canada) – Mentorships, Internships, Awards, Programming and collective networking events to promote diversity in the screen industry.

    Women on Screen (Toronto, ON Canada) – Webseries, podcasts and social events to encourage the success of women on all sides of the screen.

    Hamilton Artists Inc. (Hamilton, ON Canada)- In addition to their annual Photophobia: contemporary moving image festival, Hamilton Artists Inc. hosts many creative calls for submissions and will be offering a workshop series to incoming and immigrant artists.

    Regent Park Film Festivals (Toronto, ON Canada) – Toronto’s longest-running, free community film festival, and is the sole community film festival in Canada’s largest and oldest public housing neighbourhood.

    Scriptation Webinar (Youtube) (Online/Worldwide) – Discussed how Scriptation can empower you to navigate the new world of digital scripts, shorter work days, remote collaboration, and social distancing without compromising your production workflow.

    Hollywood Camera Work (Youtube) (Online/Worldwide) – Quick Start Tutorial for Shot Designer from Hollywood Camera Work. Shot Designer makes it ridiculously easy to block complex scenes, complete with Camera Diagram, Animation, Shot List, Storyboards and Director’s Viewfinder.

    Cast & Crew (Youtube) (Online/Worldwide) – How to create and manage your digital profile, digitally accept offers, e-sign your onboarding documents, and complete your timecards on the go – all while leaving paper behind and keeping your social distance.


    TAIS – Toronto Animated Image Society (Toronto, ON Canada) – Artist run production centre for independent artists, traditional and experimental animation techniques, residencies and exhibit opportunities available.

    SAVAC – South Asian Visual Artists Centre (Toronto, ON Canada) – MONITOR is their longstanding experimental South Asian film and video program, opportunity to show work and work with international curators. SAVAC has other opportunities for exhibiting work and participating in residencies.

    Trinity Square Video (Toronto, ON Canada) –  Trinity Square strives to create supportive environments, encouraging artistic and curatorial experimentation that challenge medium specificity through education, production and presentation supports.


    Canada Media Fund  (Toronto, ON Canada) – The CMF guides Canadian content towards a competitive global environment through fostering industry innovation, rewarding success, enabling a diversity of voice and promoting access to content through industry and private sector partnerships. Delivers financial support to the Canadian television and digital media industries.

    OAC (Toronto, ON Canada) – The OAC’s grants and services to professional, Ontario-based artists and arts organizations support arts education, Indigenous arts, community arts, crafts, dance, Francophone arts, literature, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, music, theatre, touring, and visual arts.

    Windsor Endowment for the Arts (Windsor, ON Canada) – Funding, support and promotion for arts in the community based on merit and artistic vision. Submissions accepted for all artistic mediums.

    Ontario Creates (Online) – Promotes, enhances and leverages investment, jobs, and original content creation

    Arts, Culture & Heritage Fund (Windsor, ON Canada) – Funds projects from $500 – $5,000 Bi-Annually

    Canada Council for the Arts (Online) – Funds Individual, Partnership, or Collective projects in Canada.

    Toronto Arts Council (Toronto, ON Canada) – Artist grant opportunities for all creative disciplines. Including specialized grants for Indigenous Art Projects.

    ED Video (Toronto, ON Canada) – Well rounded organization, with specialized production grants for BIPOC artists available.

    Niagara Art Centre (Niagara, ON Canada) – Call for submissions, gallery showings, and film screening partnerships.

    Media City Film Festival (Windsor, ON Canada – Detroit, MI USA) – Annual international festival of film and digital art, fellowship and call for submissions advertised annually.

    Indigenous Arts & Culture Partnerships Fund (Toronto, ON Canada) – Supports partnerships and collaborations that create new opportunities and visibility for Indigenous-led arts and culture. The fund aims to spark new relationships between Indigenous artists, arts and culture leaders and professionals, and potential partners at both the grassroots and institutional levels.

    Group Effort Initiative (TBD) – Having 10 – 20 trainees join a film set to get real hands on experience. Paid gig and housing provided. Applications to be released soon.

    The 8 Fest Small-Guage Film Festival (Toronto, ON Canada) – Film festival that presents all forms of small-gauge film: 8mm, Super 8 and 9.5mm, as well as works in installation, loops, personal, handmade, experimental, animations, diaries, essays, collage, cut-ups, performance/film, music/film and ‘proto-cinema devices’ like zoetropes


    Tottering BIPED Theatre (Hamilton, ON Canada) – Free Sound equipment & operators for BLM protests.

    Film Fatales (Toronto, ON Canada) – Non profit, advocates for parity in the film industry, supports an inclusive community of women and non-binary feature film and television directors nationwide.

    Women in View (Toronto, ON Canada) – National not-for-profit organization dedicated to strengthening gender representation and diversity in Canadian media both on screen and behind the scenes.

    Imagine NATIVE (Toronto, ON Canada) – Film festival and screening opportunities for indigenous creators to gain a platform and recognition.

    Toronto ReelAsian International Film Festival (Toronto, ON Canada) – Festival showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from the Asian diaspora.

    Racial Equity Media Collective (TBD) – Currently a collective being developed to increase production, export and sustainability of BIPOC content.

    Inclusive Stylist Toronto (Toronto, ON Canada) – Promoting diversity and inclusivity within the costume design/ wardrobe stylist industry.

    Directors Guild of Canada (Toronto, ON Canada) – National labour organization representing over 5,000 key creative and logistical personnel in the screen-based industry covering all areas of direction, design, production and editing.

    Documentary Organization of Canada (Toronto, ON Canada) – Research, advocacy and consultation for Canadian Filmmakers looking to pursue the festival industry.

    Gallery 44 (Toronto, ON Canada) – Charitable, non-profit, artist-run centre committed to supporting multi-faceted approaches to photography and lens-based media.

    CARFAC (Provincial) – Organization dedicated to updating minimum fee schedules, and recommended rates for proper artist compensation.

    Toronto Arab Film Festival (Online) – Free online screenings of films by creators of the Arab community.

    Living Hyphen (Online) – Well rounded organization with many resources to offer, including: Online storytelling and writing workshops, resources for BIPOC creatives, COVID-19 relief, and Calls for submissions.


    Windsor International Film Festival (WIFF) (Windsor, ON Canada) – WIFF is a cultural, not-for-profit organization that celebrates the art of cinema by showcasing Canadian and International Film and Filmmakers. Through unique programming, education and exhibition, WIFF strengthens and enriches community while promoting the creative economy.

    BIPOC TV&Film (Toronto, ON Canada) – BIPOC TV & Film is dedicated to increasing the representation of BIPOC both in front and behind the camera.

    imagineNATIVE (Toronto, ON Canada) – imagineNATIVE inspires and connects communities through original, Indigenous film and media arts. It showcases, promotes, and celebrates Canadian and international indigenous filmmakers and media artists. It is committed to a greater understanding by audiences of Indigenous peoples, cultures, and artistic expressions.

    CineFAM (Toronto, ON Canada) – 1-day film festival; and a partnership with the Durban Filmmart to develop South Africa/Canada co-productions led by African women.

    SAW Video (Ottawa) – not-for-profit, artist-run media art centre that fosters the growth and development of artists through access to equipment, training, mentorship, and programming. Our mission is to support a diverse community of media artists empowered by technology, programming and the exchange of ideas.