
The Pollinators at one ten park

Our seedlings are now outside and ready to bloom. Thanks to the Windsor Downtown Business Association Beautification project...


MAIL ART Pollinating Peace

A Mail Art Call from One ten park. Send images of pollinators. All displayed in One ten park...

may 1 conneXion 1 mai

One ten park : a working space is celebrating May 1st in their WINDOWS on WINDSOR with "conneXion"...


Espérer is installed in One ten park: Windows on Windsor, celbrating the month of Francophonie Culture and Language!...


ROSES for Windsor (a three year mail art project) will be restored in one ten park WINDOWS on...

Celebrating ART’s 1,000,059 Birthday

Windsor Celebrates ART's Birthday, a FLUXUS EVENT created by Robert Filliou, on July 17th. In 1963 Filliou dropped...