
Theatre Ontario: Professional Theatre Training Program

Our Professional Theatre Training Program (PTTP) offers financial support for unique and flexible training with a chosen mentor in any theatrical discipline except performance.

This program is funded by the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.


There are two annual application deadlines for this program.

For 2019:

  • March 1, 2019
  • September 1, 2019

For 2020 onwards:

  • February 1 and September 1 (or the next business day, if these dates fall on a weekend)


To be eligible for grant funding you must be a professional artist and Theatre Ontario follows the Ontario Arts Council’s definition of a professional artist.

The OAC defines a professional artist as someone who:

  • has developed skills through training or practice
  • is recognized by artists working in the same artistic tradition
  • has a history of public presentation or publication
  • seeks payment for their work
  • actively practises their art (short breaks in artistic work history are allowed)

Applicant Eligibility:

  • Applications must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Applications must be current residents of Ontario and must have resided in the province for at least one year prior to the time of application
  • Applicants must intend to pursue their careers primarily in Ontario
  • Applicants must have proven ability and a demonstrated commitment to a career in theatre

Please note: Applicants do NOT need to be individual members of Theatre Ontario. If you wish to participate in our member counselling towards the development and review of your proposed application, you need to be an individual member of Theatre Ontario.

Application Eligibility:

  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify a mentor(s) and secure an appropriate training opportunity with them. The applicant and the mentor jointly determine the content of and the schedule of the mentorship program
  • The applicant may apply to be mentored by more than one mentor and at more than one institution, although this must be clearly linked to the applicants training goals and explained thoroughly in the application
  • Mentorship programs should take place in affiliation or on contract with a professional theatre company, festival, or cultural institution
  • Theatre Ontario encourages the mentorship to take place within Canada, however, mentorship opportunities with a reputable and qualified  trainer outside of Canada may be considered if the applicant demonstrates that the opportunity is unique to their needs
  • Training programs must be completed within twelve months of the grant being awarded

Full Guidelines

Application Form