The SPAO Centre Gallery is the Ottawa region’s only independent and critical gallery space dedicated to lens-based art. The gallery sees upwards of 4200 in person and virtual visitors annually including curators, artists, students, Ottawa’s photographic and arts community as well as members of the general public.
The SPAO Gallery also presents an annual installation in its exterior exhibition space The Photo-Synthesis Garden, which pairs photo-based artwork with biomaterial such as flowers, vegetables and other items from the natural world.
The SPAO Gallery pays appropriate CARFAC fees for selected exhibitions and artists of all backgrounds, including persons with disabilities, Indigenous, Black and racialized persons, and persons across a spectrum of sexual orientation and gender identity are encouraged to apply.
Applications must be received by February 15, 2021 at 12:00 pm (noon) EDT.
For more information on submission guidelines, click here or visit our website at
Questions? Email the SPAO Gallery Manager at