
School of the Photographic Arts (SPAO) Artist Residency
The School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa (SPAO) invites applications for the Artist in Residence for Photographers and...

The School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa (SPAO) invites applications for the Artist in Residence for Photographers and Photo-Based Artists.

This extended photographic mentorship and residency is one of the most unique residencies of its kind. It has been designed for visual artists who have previously completed formal training in visual arts and/or lens-based media and are ready to intensely focus on an aspect of their existing career or on a specific upcoming project. As a self-directed residency, artists are afforded the time and environment needed to research, experiment, and produce a body of work as a professional working artist.

Facilities:  Surrounded by an immersive photographic community, artists are given access to SPAO’s studio and multi-format darkroom for both silver gelatin and alternative printmaking. Industry standard lighting, inkjet printmaking facilities, and a selection of 35mm, medium and large format cameras are also available at reasonable additional costs. Residents may also be invited to participate in SPAO’s instructional courses, programming, and guest lectures.

Research Resources:  A wide range of Ottawa-based institutions offer rich photography collections and research resources, including the National Gallery of Canada, the Canadian Institute of Photography, Library and Archives Canada, the City of Ottawa Archives and Art Collection, and the Canada Council’s Art Bank.

Opportunities:  Through the guidance of SPAO’s Residency Coordinator, this immersive experience will culminate in an exhibition of the artist’s work, a public talk or in the production of a catalog or photo book.

Autumn start – Oct – May (inclusive)


Deadline: June 15, 2019



How to Apply:  For information on eligibility, cost, funding opportunities and application requirements visit, email or call 613-562-3824