DEADLINE: October 23, 2020
Myseum of Toronto in partnership with Tea Base has launched a call for submissions for Quarantine Qapsule (QQ); a digital archive of the Asian Canadian experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What will we remember during this time?
As a “time capsule” of the quarantine period, we are looking for creative contributions from all members of our community. We want to hear your stories of resilience, hope, and self-discovery!
Persons self-identifying as Asian Canadian (and living in Ontario) are invited to submit video, musical or visual art to the QQ. No fancy equipment required, art can be created anywhere in any style, no formal artistic training is required, creativity cannot be stifled!
Selected pieces will be featured and live on the Myseum website and contributors will receive a $50 honorarium.
Learn more and submit a piece to the Quarantine Qapsule here
If you have any questions or need further support with the submission process please email
As part of this project here will also be a panel discussion taking place from 7-8pm EDT on October 28th. The event titled, “Archiving Asian Stories” is a discussion about the significance of Chinatowns in our everyday life and the importance of archiving Asian-Canadian stories and voices.