
Northern Ontario Mobile Residency 2021 – Self-Funded Residency
APPLICATION PERIOD NOW OPEN Rolling Deadline — Cost: $2,250/week*— *Artists with limited driving experience as deemed so by...

Rolling Deadline

— Cost: $2,250/week*—

*Artists with limited driving experience as deemed so by our insurance provider may be required to cover additional insurance premiums.

The Northern Ontario Mobile Residency aims to encourage media artists to connect with northern locales and communities and reflect on ideas of land, geography, and identity. Priority will be given to artists with contemporary practices in which the (northern) landscape plays a central role, and to those who are thinking critically about cultural identity in relation to rural northern Ontario.

The residency is designed to allow artists to travel around northern Ontario, making work in the Mobile Lab, a 29-foot C-class motorhome featuring a comfortable living space in the front, with a soundproofed studio space for working on projects in the rear. The studio area features desk space for two artists, a sofa, a built in monitor and surround-sound system, and secure gear storage.

Included in $2,250/week fee:
  • Live/Work use of the Mobile Lab, a 29-foot C-class motorhome
  • Driver’s Insurance for motorhome covering period of residency
  • Your choice of Audio/Visual Media Equipment from our inventory [list of N2M2L inventory]
Not included (additional costs to consider):
  • Campsite / RV Park fees (averages $30 – $50 a night)
  • Internet (25 GB using the RV’s Bell Hotspot Turbo Stick costs $50)
  • Groceries
  • Gas (could cost $50-60 per 100km)

The Near North Mobile Media Lab creates opportunities for artists and audiences to engage with media arts in northern Ontario regardless of class, age, gender, race, ability, or sexual orientation. Far from the centres of population in Ontario, our collective continues to encourage our peers and youth in their explorations of electronic media, in developing their film-making skills and through the professional presentation of their art works.

We envision this residency adding to the national media arts discourse by connecting northern communities to contemporary media arts practices, and promoting our expansive region to Canadian artists by overcoming regional limitations.

  • Canadian Artists
  • Those intending to drive the vehicle must hold a valid Canadian Drivers License free of accidents, serious traffic convictions or demerit points.
Eligible Projects:
  • New Media or time-based practices, or works produced with digital technology.
  • Projects must happen between June and September, and must last 1 or 2 weeks.
  • Projects must take place in northern Ontario, in areas that are accessible by RV.
Ineligible Proposals:
  • Fine and Visual Arts such as painting, sculpture, print-making, etc.
  • Projects intended to take place outside of northern Ontario

Submission Process:


  1. A 500 word project proposal letter.
    In your letter, please consider how the mobile facet of this residency will benefit your project and your practice, how northern Ontario plays an important role in your proposal, and be sure to mention if you plan to work collaboratively with any specific northern community/ies. Please also indicate the dates in which you would like to use the RV for a 1-2 week period, and where you would like to take the RV during your residency.

  2. 5-10 images of work samples

    (Image files should be saved as a jpg format, audio files as an MP3 file, and video works should be uploaded to Vimeo with a link for jurors to access your work. Please clearly indicate which section of video or audio clips you wish to present jurors for a viewing maximum of 5 minutes and a listening maximum of 5 minutes.)

  3. An image list

    indicating title, year, medium, and dimensions (if applicable).

  4. An up to date curriculum vitae and artist biography
    Please remember to include contact information such as your email address and phone number.

  5. Submit your application via Dropbox or WeTransfer to Please include all submission materials in one PDF file titled YOURNAME_SELFFUNDEDRESIDENCY.pdf