“Lavender Fest” is an annual event, hosted here at North 42 Degrees Estate Winery and Serenity Lavender Farm. It is an outdoor event, occurring on June 22nd and 23rd this summer.
The festival is an outdoor family friendly event, and features live music, food, wine, cooking demonstrations, workshops (painting, crafts using lavender), plien air watercolour painting, children’s activities and of course, artist vendors. In past years, we have seen 3000-5000 visitors throughout the weekend. We have two main tents, and open sections all over our grounds.
We are seeking artists and quality crafters to sell their goods, as you would see at Art in the Park or Art on the River. Artists are charged $40 for one day, or $75 for the weekend, for their space (The art section of the grounds is in the grassy area, with a treed border, by the vineyard). We take no percentage of their sales. I have attached an artist registration form that can be passed on through you, or I am happy to email it to individuals who are interested
If there is any more information that you need, please call or write back. I’ll be happy to answer!
Kind regards,
MaryAnn Perry
Event Coordinator
North 42 Degrees Estate Winery
130 County Road 50 East, Colchester, On
(519) 984-2684