
Colart Artist Relief Initiative
The Colart Collection is pleased to announce the relaunch of its acquisition activities. In view of the current global pandemic,...

The Colart Collection is pleased to announce the relaunch of its acquisition activities. In view of the current global pandemic, the Collection is making available an acquisition budget of $125,000 to provide much-needed financial support to emerging artists across Canada.

Although all spheres of society are impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis, artists are among the most vulnerable to the pandemic’s long-term economic effects. In an effort to support up-and-coming artists and provide them with a stepping stone for advancing their career, Colart is launching an Artist Relief Initiative.

The Collection will acquire up to 25 artworks—with a maximum value of $5,000 each—for its corporate collection in Montreal. The call for submissions is open from June 8 to July 5, 2020.

Emerging Canadian artists are invited to submit up to three (3) artworks electronically, following the procedure detailed below. The selection process will value inclusion, equality, and respect for diversity. The works will be selected during the summer of 2020.


Since its inception in 2005, the Colart Collection has always seen its role as being a significant nurturing force encouraging the creativity of Canada’s fresh and evolving talents. It has provided financial support through important acquisitions to more than 200 Canadian artists, including such established names as Sky Glabush, Janet Werner, Sophie Jodoin, David Lafrance, and Graeme Patterson.


The Colart Artist Relief Initiative encourages emerging Canadian artists through the acquisition of works for its corporate collection.


  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Professional artists with less than ten years of experience, on the basis of a first solo exhibition presented in a recognized venue in the field of contemporary art.

    A “professional artist” designates an artist who is recognized as such by his or her peers (artists working in the same art discipline), has received a form of professional recognition (awards, grants, critical attention in the media, etc.), and has a history of public presentation in professional contexts. The term “artist” can designate an individual or a collective.

Artwork Requirements:

  • At this time, the collection is only accepting two-dimensional wall-mounted artworks. Maximum dimensions (height x width): 180 x 240 cm (6 x 8 ft).
  • All media are welcome except sculpture, installation art, and video.
  • Sale price must not exceed $5,000 per piece. The price must include production costs and framing. Taxes and shipping to Montreal will be covered by Colart.

Artists may submit up to three (3) works. Only one work will be selected for acquisition. Substitutions will not be permitted. Framing specifications are to be discussed with the Colart Team upon selection.

Please keep in mind that the Colart Collection is displayed in offices and public areas. Its corporate context will be considered in the selection.

Applications can be sent by artists or galleries. If the artist is represented by a gallery, we will collaborate with both parties, unless otherwise agreed.


Submissions must be sent by email only, no later than July 5 at 11:59 PM (EDT), to:

Submissions should include the following:

  1. Contact information in Word or PDF format: first and last name, country of birth and country of residence, mailing address, telephone, email address, website (if available), gallery representation (if applicable)

    Artists submitting as a collective must identify one participant as the submission coordinator.

  2. Artist Statement/Bio (250 words maximum) in Word or PDF format
  3. CV (3 pages maximum) in Word or PDF format
  4. Images for a maximum of three artworks

    Must be submitted in JPG (72 dpi, RGB colour mode) or PDF format. Maximum 2 MB per image. Image files must be clearly identified.
    *The photographs must be exact representations of the works being submitted.

  5. Descriptive image spec sheet in Word or PDF format

    List of submitted artworks matching the image file names. Must include: title, date, medium, edition (if applicable), dimensions, and price.
    *Indicate any particular technical specifications regarding methods of presentation or hanging.

Please note:
Any other unsolicited material sent will not be considered. The Colart Collection is not responsible for unreadable, undelivered, or lost materials. Late submissions, incomplete proposals, and ineligible applicants will not be considered.

All artists will receive an acknowledgment of receipt. Only selected applicants will be notified.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Downloadable PDF