
City of Guelph, Main Street Mural Project: Call for Applications
Artist opportunity The City of Guelph invites established Canadian muralists with exterior mural experience to submit their credentials, examples of...

Artist opportunity

The City of Guelph invites established Canadian muralists with exterior mural experience to submit their credentials, examples of prior experience and a preliminary vision for the development and execution of one of two site-specific, outdoor murals as part of Ontario’s Main Street Revitalization Initiative.

For this project there are two separate, yet connected, sites on the City of Guelph’s East Parkade wall facing Woolwich Street. While artists are able to submit qualifications and letters of intent for both sites, artists or artist collectives will only be awarded a single commission and one artist or collective will be selected per site.

This call follows a two-stage selection process. The first stage is a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Design concepts are not required at this time.

View the full Call to Artists


The following sites have been identified for public art murals. Please identify which site you are applying for in your Letter(s) of Intent.

Site 1: Left parkade wall

  • 16’ x 24’ = 384 square feet
  • Completed remotely using 12, 4×8’ aluminum composite panels. Installation done by third party and organized by City.
  • Budget: $18,000

Site 2: Main parkade wall

  • 28’ x 20’ = 560 square feet
  • Completed remotely using 14, 4×10’ aluminum composite panels. Installation done by third party and organized by City.
  • Budget: $25,000

Image (left): Site 1 – left parkade wall; Image (right): Site 2 – main parkade wall

Project overview and design parameters

The artwork for the Main Street Mural Project should support the vibrancy of the location and help enhance the sense of place, while beautifying the streetscape.

The artwork in these public spaces should celebrate community spirit and take into account the neighbourhood’s identity and the cultural, historical, and natural attributes of the site.

The artwork must adhere to the following design parameters:

  • be an outdoor mural installation, suitable for exhibition in a public space
  • support revitalization and economic activity
  • be appropriate for the site in scale, execution, materials and creativity
  • must not promote violence, hatred or contempt against any group on the basis of colour, race, ancestry, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, age, language or disability
  • must not include business names/logos, branded tags, acronyms, or any commercial advertising

Estimated timeline

The anticipated schedule for selection of an artist/artist collective and completion of the project is outlined below. The City reserves the right to modify these dates as required.

Project Phase / Date
RFQ issued – November 25, 2019
RFQ submission deadline at noon: January 8, 2020
Short-listed Artists selected and invited to submit proposals for Stage Two – January 31, 2020
Stage Two deadline at noon – February 18, 2020
Final selection – February 28, 2020
Design development/production/fabrication – Beginning March 2020
Installation/completion – End of April 2020


This RFQ is open to established Canadian muralists.

Successful applicants must demonstrate the professional capacity to oversee the design, implementation and production of a mural project for the City of Guelph.

Individuals who are members of the City’s council or employees of the City are not eligible to enter. In order to be eligible for this competition, entrants must be 18 years of age or older.

Selection committee & process

All applications submitted under this RFQ will be reviewed by the City’s Council-appointed Public Art Advisory Committee. City Staff representatives are involved as non-voting members.

The commissioned artwork will be chosen through a two-stage selection process:

Stage One

  • Selection Committee will review submissions and select a maximum of three (3) short-listed artists for each site.

Stage Two

  • Short-listed artists will receive honoraria to develop their concept proposals and renderings/concept designs for consideration.

Selection criteria

Stage One applications will be assessed based on qualifications, conceptual approach and experience.

Stage one criteria

  • Letter of Intent – Artist’s vision, approach and insight is appropriate for the project.
  • Artist qualifications – Professional experience demonstrates ability to execute an outdoor mural project of this scale while adhering to budgets and timelines.
  • Artistic excellence – Examples of Artist’s work reflect relevance, innovation, originality and skilled technique.

Entry procedure

The City of Guelph will only accept electronically submitted applications formatted as a single PDF to culture@guelph.caDeadline to apply is Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at noon.

Artists interested in applying for more than one location are required to submit Letters of Intent for each site.

Submission requirements

Stage one: RFQ

Submission must be sent in a single PDF and contain:

  1. Application form: At the end of the Call to Artists
  2. Letter of intent (1 page maximum, 12 point font, single spaced): Describe your general artistic approach and your preliminary vision for this project, including how you plan to celebrate community spirit and take into account the neighbourhood’s identity and the cultural, historical, and natural attributes of the site. Outline your experience creating artwork for the public realm. Confirm availability to undertake this project within its timeline. Please indicate which site you are applying for here.
  3. Resume/Curriculum vitae (3 page maximum, 12 point font, single spaced): If submitting as a collective, each member must provide a personal resume.
  4. Visual images and documentation list (3 minimum/10 maximum): Digital images of past work that best demonstrate your qualifications for this project. At least 2 of these images should be of similar scale and scope to the artwork being proposed in the artist’s letter of intent. Please include a documentation list to support visual images. Include title of work, medium, approx. dimensions, budget, location and date.

Application deadline

All submissions to this RFQ are due on or before Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at noon.

Submissions should be formatted as a single PDF.

Incomplete applications or those received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Please note – application materials will not be returned.

View the full Call to Artists


If you have any questions about this opportunity please contact:

Jen Rafter, Cultural Program and Event Coordinator
Culture, Tourism and Community Investment, Public Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2629