The City of Windsor is seeking would-be jurors to help adjudicate applications for funding submitted to the 2021 rounds of the City of Windsor’s Arts, Culture & Heritage Fund (ACHF) grant program. This is the eighth year of this program in Windsor. This funding stream awards project grants to deserving individuals and cultural organizations to help stimulate creative and economic growth in Windsor. Windsor residents who possess an aptitude for business, an eye for art and a commitment to a vibrant cultural community are encouraged to apply to serve on the ACHF jury to evaluate applications this year. If you feel you have the qualities needed to help select winning entries, please apply today. This is a meaningful opportunity to spend a small amount of time and have a significant impact on our community. This year, $87,200 will be awarded, with $43,600 available in each of two funding rounds. -Deadline to apply: March 19, 2021 at noon.-ACHF Juror Application Form: http://www.citywindsor.