Richmond St Cycle Track
The City of Toronto, StART program is seeking street, mural and graffiti artists to paint murals on concrete barriers, and design art for vinyl wraps for the cycle track concrete barriers along Richmond St. Mural painting will take place throughout the summer of 2021.
The title of this project is “Cycling is Elemental – Earth, Air, Fire and Water”. All successful applicants will be asked to create an art design for a specific number of barriers to be approved by an Advisory Committee.
Artwork by Andres Musta
If you are interested in being considered for StART’s Richmond St Cycle Track Art Project please complete the short application.
This is a rolling application and artists will be awarded barriers until all of the barriers located along the cycle track have been assigned. We encourage artists to apply early!
For more information or general questions please contact or visit StART’s website at