CJAM presents, True Tales: A *live on-air* storytelling event on October 25 at 9pm.
Get spooky with us! CJAM 99.1 FM, your University of Windsor campus radio station, is calling for submissions to our 2021 True Tales event.
We’re looking for true stories and Halloween is the theme! We’ll be accepting stories to be read LIVE on air on Monday October 25th at 9pm. Tell us your scary campfire tale, ghost encounter, Trick or Treating adventure, or any other Halloween-themed story.
Submit your tales to Program Director Lix at programcjam@gmail.com by October 24th (submissions close at midnight). On the night of the event, we’ll be calling folks up to recount their tales LIVE on CJAM 99.1 FM – you won’t want to miss this one!
*We are looking for tales to be TOLD, not read
*Storytellers will be chosen on day of event and called between 9pm-10:30pm so keep your ringer on!