
Print Issue #3 Submissions – Censorship The theme of Femme Art Review’s third issue is censorship, reflecting upon...

Print Issue #3 Submissions – Censorship

The theme of Femme Art Review’s third issue is censorship, reflecting upon how censorship affects the artistic practices of women and LGBTQ2S+ artists. How do artists overcome or subvert censorship through their art? How has censorship changed in the digital age through algorithms and shadow banning? What are the implications of media censorship and bans (historical, present, and future) for women and LGBTQ2S+  artists? What isn’t encouraged or discussed in your community?

Both pitches and complete drafts will be accepted. The deadline to submit is August 18th.


Banning, redacted, control, suppress, restrict, algorithms, historical censorship, media

*Accepted print issue submissions will be paid an honorarium of $200 CAD upon publication.

This project is generously supported by the London Arts Council through the City of London’s Community Arts Investment Program.



We are looking for long-form essays or interviews that explore an artist’s practice through an in-depth analysis. Features can discuss a particular theme related to art or culture, including broader aspects of culture.

750-1500 words


We are looking for short or in-depth reviews that review local, national, or international art exhibitions. We also accept reviews of other media such as films, books, or music.

500-1500 words

Art Submissions

We will also accept art and illustration submissions related to the theme of censorship for consideration.

Please Note:

+ We encourage submissions from everyone interested, but please note that we accept submissions that best reflect our mandate to support women and LGBTQ2S+ artists and writers.

+Submissions by writers or artists that are local to London, Ontario are encouraged.

+ Submissions from writers who are part of underrepresented groups, including BIPOC writers (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour), disabled writers, and writers with diverse backgrounds and interests are highly encouraged.

+ Reading past content is recommended to get a feel of our voice as a publication. We are open to more personal and experiential forms of art writing.

+ According to the volume of submissions we get at a given time, we may not be able to reply to unsuccessful pitches.


Please send your submissions and any other inquiries to