Lakeshore Arts is seeking project proposals to activate our Community Project Space in our 2021 programming season.
Lakeshore Arts’ Community Project Space (CPS) is a storefront programming and exhibition space, used for regular and occasional programs and events, as well as ongoing site activations. CPS activations often engage with community knowledge and involve collaboration and/or participation as core components of the work. Past CPS activations have focused on community assets, neighbourhood artifacts, housing, the opioid crisis, geopolitical borders and climate change and involved partnerships with community organizations such as Daily Bread Food Bank, LAMP Community Health Centre and Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services.
For the upcoming 2021 programming season, we are looking for projects that incorporate significant participatory elements, can be engaged with actively or passively, are designed to evolve over time through interaction with the community and include free public events that further activate the projects and create opportunities for connection building and knowledge sharing.
Selected projects will run for 2-3 months each between January and July 2021.
We are accepting proposals from applicants that respond broadly to the following thematic prompt:
With varying degrees of influence, systems shape and govern fundamental aspects of our lives: our bodies, relationships, environments, movement, identities, access, resources and opportunities. Yet the principles, administration and impacts of many of these systems remain opaque to us, if visible at all. As a global pandemic exposes the vulnerability, malleability and inequality of the systems we interact with, we are presented with an opportunity to observe and scrutinize these systems as well as imagine alternatives. With this opening in mind, we are inviting applicants to develop a project that examines the qualities and consequences of human systems including political, economic, education, transportation, information, justice, and health (plus any others) and considers some of the following questions:
- How do we experience systems?
- How are systems expressed?
- How do human made and biological systems interact with and influence each other?
- How are systems influenced by their physical environments?
- How has a system succeeded or failed at its expressed or tacit objectives?
- How is a system made transparent or opaque and for what reasons?
- How do existing systems harm or help, exploit or nurture us?
- What alternative systems can we dream of?
Acknowledging this subject is expansive and complex, we aim to present projects that are thought provoking while remaining approachable, accessible and engaging for community members of different ages and experiences and offer layered points of entry that can accommodate those differences.
We welcome proposals from artists, designers and collectives at all stages of their careers, as well as collaborative proposals with creatives and community groups, nonprofit organizations or social service agencies. Applications from members of marginalized groups will be prioritized. Both new and adaptations of previously executed projects will be accepted. If you are an artist and have a group or organization you would like to partner with please mention them in your project description.
All selected artists will receive an artist fee and material fee, scaled on the scope and duration of the project. If selected artists would like to apply for additional funding for projects, LSA can support the application process.
Unfortunately the Community Project Space is not accessible. There are two steps up without a handrail to the main entrance and a gender neutral washroom located on the basement level at the bottom of a 10 step staircase with a handrail.
Application Deadline: June 29, 2020
To learn more about proposal requirements and how to apply view full call for submission
Jacqui Arntfield, Community Project Space Curator, Lakeshore Arts