The City of Hamilton is seeking Artists and Artist-Led Teams to submit proposals for a permanent Public Art work(s) to be sited in Century Street Parkette at the Corner of Wentworth and Wilson Streets, located in Downtown Hamilton, Ontario.
Artists will be asked to propose art works that reflect the Project Goal:
That the proposed Public Art work(s) be an inclusive work that may be a functional or interactive piece(s) that reflect the proud local history and human stories of the GALA neighbourhood.
The Artist is invited to develop a proposal for artwork(s) that will address one or more of the following:
- Enhance a welcoming and people-oriented space;
- Encourage education and learning;
- Celebration of the evolving community; and
- Reflect transition, growth or discovery
Artists will be selected by a citizen Jury through a two-stage process involving a concept and design proposal, followed by public consultation on selected Artists detailed proposals.
Award: $120,000
Short-listed applicants completing a Stage Two submission will receive $1200.
Submission Deadline: Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 3:00 PM (EST)
Artist Information Meeting:
Thursday December 10, 2020, 7 PM Via Video Conference
Artists are invited to view a presentation on the adjudication process and submission requirements. Please RSVP to contact below on or before December 9, 2020 for virtual meeting details.
This is not a mandatory meeting.
For more information and to make a submission please see:
Select the Century Street Parkette Public Art Project link under Current Open Calls
or contact:
Meredith Plant
Placemaking, Public Art & Projects Section
Tourism and Culture Division, City of Hamilton
Tel: 905.546.2424 ext. 1219
e-mail: meredith.plant@hamilton.ca