My name is Anna Daliza. I’m reaching out to let you know about the release of my independently published book, “Where Grape Leaves Grow.” It tells the history of Maronite Catholics of Lebanon over the last two thousand years, while interweaving the story of my own family, and my experience of growing up as a second generation immigrant in the white-suburbs of South Western Ontario, just outside of Windsor. This narrative is told through a dialogue between two unnamed voices: the voice of a child grieving the loss of their Lebanese maternal family, and what can only be described as a familiar presence embodied through a wise and soothing voice. With support from CUE grants funding for artists on the margins, I partnered with designers, Michelle Kuan and Emi Takahashi. My story and their design makes “Where Grape Leaves Grow” what it is today, and what we’re excited to share with the world. The Ontario Arts Council funded our proof of concept, so we were able to print a small run of the finished book. As you will see in the shared images, the design of “Where Grape Leaves Grow” thoughtfully considers the story elements of family, loss, and ancestry, while using archival and unique printing methods to make the book truly one-of-a-kind. The unique nature of the book makes independent publishing a natural fit, so we will be launching a Kickstarter on July 7th to host the pre-sale for thirty days. Once pre-sale has ended, we will print all the books at once at a reliable printer Kopa, in Lithuania, who will ship the books to us to be distributed to consumers. Each of us on the team grapples individually with the second generation immigrant experience, and this project means so much to us. It would mean the world to have your support, simply in the form of sharing about our launch, so that this story might reach the eyes and screens of others who share this unique experience, and beyond. Included in this email are attachments to photos, links to our websites, and most importantly the Kickstarter where all the information above and more can be found. Please share the link to help us reach our funding goal, so we can print a larger run of books and release this project into the world.
If you have any questions, or difficulty accessing any of the files or links, please contact me.
Thank you.
Back the project here: Kickstarter Fundraiser