
Call for Applicants: Planning Your Projects WorkinCulture We’re excited to announce that applications are open for the third cohort in our Growing Creative Careers...
We’re excited to announce that applications are open for the third cohort in our Growing Creative Careers training series, happening in Windsor & Region from September to November 2022!🥳⁠

This cohort will focus on learning how to plan creative projects and programs, from idea to execution. 💡⁠

Windsor-Essex-based artists of all disciplines, creative professionals, community arts workers, arts organizations, and non-arts organizations interested in partnering with creatives, are invited to apply to this free, intensive training series that will help you take your creative project idea to the next phase. ⬆️⁠

Visit our #linkinbio to learn more and apply! ⁠

The Growing Creative Careers training series is led by WorkInCulture, supported by @ONTrillium and developed in partnership with @webusinesscentre and @artscouncilwindsor.⁠

#WICWindsor #WICProjectPlanning #WICWindsorEssex #CreativeCareersWindsor