Candidate: David J DeLellis
Municipality: Pelee
Position: Councillor
What opportunities do you believe Windsor-Essex has to grow our art, culture and heritage sector?
Our area has a very diverse history from First Nations settlers, to European Settlers, to the Industrial Revolution, and the waterways that serve the area. These all add to the facets that spark artistic imagination, and drive cultural growth and expression. The South Carolinian Forest that is exclusive to the area supports some of the most exquisite natural habitat and species in Ontario.
How do you propose to attract or retain artists and cultural workers in your community?
Our community is planning on marketing to the Eco Tourism Sector, birding, and especially nature lovers. As in the past the township fully supports our current Art works organization, and would welcome any newcomers as well.
What role do you see for arts and culture in the promotion of the region both as a destination for tourists and as a place of permanent residence for youth, families, and retirees?
Arts and culture attract and nurture our region for both tourists and residences alike.
In what other ways could you use your position as an elected official to help support the arts, culture and heritage sector outside of using municipal funding?
During my last 4 years I have promoted the arts, culture, and nature of our community in many different arenas while travelling both personally and for the Township.
What is your perspective on the best ways to collaborate with other levels of government to ensure sustainability and growth for the cultural sector of our community?
Council, along with the arts and cultural sector can look to identify the areas in which all levels of Government work to ensure sustainability and growth of our community. By working together a living plan can be mapped for the benefit of all.
How do you personally engage with arts, culture and heritage in Windsor-Essex?
I am a strong supporter of many of the initiatives that take place on Pelee Island and the mainland and look forward to the energy, joy and happiness they bring.