
Mass Culture The AFB is an annual initiative of the think tank Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)....

Mass Culture

The AFB is an annual initiative of the think tank Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). It follows the actual federal budget to propose alternatives in many areas, such as reconciliation, taxes, housing, healthcare, childcare, the environment – and culture. In the past, the Candian Arts Coalition (CAC) has led the development of the culture chapter of the AFB, but last year the CAC Board decided to discontinue their involvement in the AFB, so Mass Culture has stepped in to pick up this important work. This will be the first piece of a larger research project on federal funding for culture that Mass Culture will be leading

As we prepare this chapter, we want to hear from the cultural sector. We aim to involve varied and diverse perspectives.

To facilitate the discussion, we have set up a Slack channel with several questions (shown below). You can also send your responses, or any other thoughts you have on the federal budget or what we should push for in the alternative budget to: